With Arms Wide Open – release op alle grote streaming platforms!
Met trots delen wij de online release van onze hit ‘With Arms Wide Open’ op dé grootste online streaming diensten! De single With Arms Wide Open is te beluisteren via Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer en Youtube music.
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Lyrics With Arms Wide Open:
From the moment that we first met
I’d knew that we belong
Belong. Belong
So how could this go wrong?
Gone wrong
With arms wide open
I’ll carry the burden
With arms wide open
I know that we belong
From the moment that we first met
I’ve been burning my hands
My hands. My hands
Like I’m hiding on the sun
Gone wrong. Gone wrong
Like I’m hiding on the sun
The sun. The sun
I’m hiding on the sun
With arms wide open
I’ll carry the burden
With arms wide open
I know that we belong
With arms wide open
I’ll carry the burden
With arms wide open
I know that we belong
With arms wide open
I’ll carry the burden
With arms wide open
I know that we belong
With arms wide open
I’ll carry the burden
With arms wide open
I know that we belong
De single-hoes is ontworpen door Simone Sijm. Simone is een kunstenares die bekend staat om haar hyper-realistische portretten. Speciaal voor Ten Pickles For Johnny heeft ze deze pop-art stijl gehanteerd, waar de band enorm enthousiast over is.
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