The Way I Want To Be – release op alle grote streaming platforms!
Met trots delen wij de online release van onze hit ‘The Way I Want To Be’ op dé grootste online streaming diensten! De single is te beluisteren via Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer en Youtube music.
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Lyrics The Way I Want To Be:
When all you feel is pain. And there is only room for a little shame.
Hold your head up high and bewonder the endless limits of the sky.
This is the way I want to be.
This is the way I want to be.
This is the way I want to be.
Can’t you see? Can you see?
Where will I start, when will it end?
Where will I break, when will I bend?
Where will I hurt, when will I love? When will good be good enough?
When you are led astray.
And nothing but emptiness remains.
Close your eyes and see.
The beauty inside. Inside of thee.
When you are led by guild.
And you try to trust yourself but never will.
In silence you must try and bewonder the endless limits of the sky.
This is the way I want to be.
This is the way I want to be.
This is the way I want to be.
Can’t you see? Can you see?
Where will I start, when will it end?
Where will I break, when will I bend?
Where will I hurt, when will I love? When will good be good enough?
Where will I start, when will it end?
Where will I break, when will I bend?
Where will I hurt, when will I love? When will good be good enough?
De single-hoes is ontworpen door Simone Sijm. Simone is een kunstenares die bekend staat om haar hyper-realistische portretten. Speciaal voor Ten Pickles For Johnny heeft ze deze pop-art stijl gehanteerd, waar de band enorm enthousiast over is.
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